Experior Financial Group Information Centre

Welcome to the Travelance Information Centre for Experior Financial Group Brokers
On this page, you will find the tools to help you get started selling Travelance products.
Online Training
Live Online Training Session - Register for our online training sessions to learn about our products and services. Each week, our team members lead interactive, lively, and information-packed sessions, with small class sizes, and a team member can answer all your questions.
Travelance Academy - Our most flexible training option. Once you have completed the partnership process with Travelance, you will be able to access Travelance Academy through MyTL. Access on-demand, online learning, that you can complete on your own schedule.
Looking for training for your team? Email training@travelance.ca to request a session.
Travelance Partner Resources
To help you get started selling Travelance products, we’ve created resources to help you along every step of the way. Access complete policy wordings, rate charts, steps to selling guides, links to useful resources, and more! Click here to access our Partner Resource Webpage.
Contact Information
For policy related questions, changes, or portal assistance contact Support Services, Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (ET), info@travelance.ca or 1-855-566-8555 extension 1.
For Contracting Inquiries
- West Contracting - westcontracting@experiorheadoffice.ca
- East Contracting - eastcontracting@experiorheadoffice.ca